Heart of Menopause
Thriving Thru Menopause
S2E25. Overcome Divorce and Re-Embrace Happiness with Janet Henson, Divorce & Narcissist Recovery Coach

S2E25. Overcome Divorce and Re-Embrace Happiness with Janet Henson, Divorce & Narcissist Recovery Coach

Welcome 1.32

10 out of every 1000, couples aged over 50 get divorced and in the over 65 areas, it's tripled in 25 years. 3.22

Empty nesting can be a significant trigger for divorce as one of the reasons for being together has gone 6.35

We need help to get past the bitterness, resentfulness and living in the past. And move to a  mindset of living in the future. 9.20

The divorce process is highly stressful and that's why we need financial experts so we don’t make an emotional decision to give up our settlement just to get rid of the stress.13.59

A key step is mapping out your future, what do I want? What have I missed in the past? Where do I want to be in my life? And have an action plan to get there.18.59

Learn to love yourself and know yourself. Don’t fall into the trap of getting somebody else to prove the account to prove to your ex-partner. 27.35

Deep dive into what a narcissist is and the destructive codependency of being in a relationship with that person 32.20

The importance of recognizing the red flags especially if you are an empath 36.12

Key points 43.18

  • Divorce can be and will be the most empowering thing that you can start a new fulfilling life, 

  • Look after yourself, give yourself lots of me time, take each day at a time, one step at a time, take your time with everything. 

  • Have a good team around you who can answer all those what-ifs 

  • Get a good lawyer, make sure that it's the ones to suit you in lots of ways. Get a financial advisor if you think you need one and get a divorce coach

Connect with Janet https://jhdivorcecoaching.com/

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Heart of Menopause
Thriving Thru Menopause
Join menopause health coach and mindfulness practitioner Clarissa Kristjansson as she takes you on a journey to learn how to holistically take control of your menopause symptoms.
Every week Clarissa covers topics from sleeping better to dealing with anxiety to improving your relationships. She introduces you to a wide range of guests who bring their expertise, insights and practical tips to help you better manage your menopause and its challenges. So you can thrive rather than survive this life stage.
Find out more about the podcast by visiting thrivethrumenopause.com and follow Clarissa Kristjansson on LinkedIn and Instagram @thrivingthrumenopause